Friday, February 22, 2013

Astronauts, Valentine's Day, and Snow Days!

Oh my! I apologize for neglecting my little blog! It's been a while since I've posted. I am taking advantage of having another snow day from school to try and get caught up with my "to do" list which of course has blogging on the top of the list!

Last month my students learned about outer space. I wish I had more time to spend on this unit because they loved it! They learned about planets, the sun, the moon, and of course astronauts! My students and I made an astronaut anchor chart. I appreciate Mrs. Williamson for her example:

The children made cute astronaut pictures thanks to Kindergarten Nana: 

Our unit last week was Friendship/Valentine's Day. We made a chart titled Friends and from that made sentences for our "Shared Reading" time. The students each drew a picture of themselves with a friend. I was so proud of their work! They each cut out a heart and wrote a sentence about friendship and glued them onto their papers. Here are a few examples:

Next week I will continue 3rd quarter assessments. It's hard to believe it's almost March! Soon we'll be starting to get ready for Kindergarten Graduation!
~ Lisa




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